Wednesday I did 10k morning and evening 12km on treadmill 3.55 pace with Mikko. An ok exercise but legs need to get used to carpet which is being bulled of under your legs. Thurstay 8k and in the evening a speed workout 3¤4¤60m. This actually did good to my allready stiff muscles. After that my coach invited me to his home for a meeting and sauna. Sauna with heat and cold shower actually did good not to mention the good ovensandwiches. I got to see the race of the weekend on tv too. I am not ashamed because I did my best and you could see my teeth =raasto.
Today I was whole day preparing competion venue at hippos. Races start tomorrow at 10am and everything should be ready by that. My club JKU is a proud race organizer. In the evening I did a tough workout which could be characterized with a name -raastoa, tough so that funny faces and teeth can be seen. I wormed up for 15km as training brogram said with Mikko and Mikael (in the picture, silver both 1500 and 3k at indoors nationals this year). At 10k boys went their own way and I continued for 1.15min. It was supposed to be 5km fast with tired body. I started downhill fast but relaxed. I felt good but heartrate was only 155 (supposed to be 175). Soon a upphill and heartrate started to rice. I run through city centre and there was some traffic lighs. Speeding again to full speed felt good and overall feeling was really strong. At 20min of fast run I decided to take fast unit to get heart rice to 175. Ground was really icy but I was just floating. Breathing worked hard but I enjoyed the fiilinki. This is it. You are tired but endorfines makes you high. A sacrifice worth making. It will pay of one day. Tomorrow 25k and sunday 25k both in the morning before going to Hippos. Who wants to join?
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