lauantai 26. tammikuuta 2008

Tired but quite happy after mornings workout. I did 5x2000min with 3min recovery. I thought to run 3.20 pace which was a bit too fast. I did that on first one but secone ones were 5sec slowlier. I guess my body was not awake after yesterdays day off and thursdays massage. Track was very wet also. I still did the workout which was good. In the evening some easy run.
Today finally the sun is shining!! Actually it can get too hot and ine more reason to complain... no kidding. Things are fine here and training is going good. A lot of people come and go. Some Norwegians return tomorrow including Dabaya and Asle. Hope Dabaya gets a hair cut before going home. Today we were too busy to get back from Belfast and there was no time for haircut after exercise! Still we bought some peanut butter to Asle and some donughts to Jaakko for recovery!

2 kommenttia:

  1. joo, en juossu hallitonnia, reidessä oli tulehdus, joku bakteeri.
    Hirvee talvijumi päällä, pitää lähtee ottaa keittoo tänää jos vaikka auttas.
    terveisin Kalle

  2. Toivottavasti jumi helpottaa pian ja pääset kisakuntoon Joensuuhun mennessä! :Miika
