Suprise suprise it is raining just like yesterday. It was actually raining the whole night but it was nice to sleep though. I still hoped that in the morning it would be a clear sky. It didn´t. Today we went with four cars to a new forest with some Swiss and British orienteers. They had their own ecercise but there were many runners as well doing the usual run. I did 1.30 which was a nice run and in the evening I only have to do easy 10k. Probably in the rain again. It is not too cold but relatively cold for a weather in Africa, maybe about 15c.
There are people coming and going every day and yesterday some people arrived from Finland club called Liedon Parma and they are orienteers. At the moment I´m at OP`s office and there is a international atmosphere as well. Internet connection is working fine which is also good. So everything fine down here. If there are some international readers let me know, otherwise I will shift back to Finnish again :)
I prefer:
VastaaPoista1. Swedish
2. English
Keep it up :)
Könntest du auch auf Deutsch schreiben? Tai postaapa kerran swahiliksi, ihan vain mielenkiinnosta.
VastaaPoistaHyvin näyttää reissusi menevän.
VastaaPoistaPostaa swahiliksi. Ainakin pari blogitekstiä...
for me, finnish, german, french or swedish would be ok. but maybe it's time to learn some swahili.