As my morning exercise had gone well without much kilometres I decided to run 1.25 in the evening for some stamina. Saturday was another tough day and I did ecercise in the evening on the Belfast grass track. It included 3x4km with 3min recoveries. The speed was the same as last time 3.30. First one went well, second and third one slowed by ten seconds and the last one I was able to do 10.15 so a bit faster again. I got problems with my stomack but it did not stop me from training. It´s not a surprice that when training hard in altitude your stomack is not feeling fine. You just have to get used to that. TIA like they say: this is Africa.
Nowdays there are a lot of many new runners in Dullstroom. Some 12 Dutch arriver some time ago. Marathoner Janne Holmen came with his son and father some time ago and some other Finns as well. Kenyans will come soon too so it will be busy at the sports meal in the evening. Yesterday there were more than 30 runners and we got to celebrate birthday of walker Jarkko Kinnunen.
Today was supposed to be an easy long run day. We headed for run with Graham and Scott down to Sakhelwe and continued untill we reached peoples houses then we turned to the right until we reached the railway track. My heart rate was all the time too high about 150 but still managed to make it back to our house. Maybe there was some stress from yesteday left in the body but I hope that after tomorrow my heart will settle down. I should do some gym soon since my back is a little bit stiff and and some middle body workout could do good. Gym is closed on sundays so another day I guess. That’s all for now. Let me hear from audience how you are doing or should I shift back to Finnish soon?
Milloin olette tulossa Jaakon kanssa takasin Suomeen?