That was a question by Scott yesterday when we were in Belfast. We had done our track workout and it was time to relax. Petteri "the long drink" filmed that on video and I hope to post that in blog some day. You can response what ever you want on that questions, but one of the answers could be normipäivä or something else.
The picture above was taken on saturday when we had our sprint workout day. A tough one but interesting. I have now trained hard so today I´m having an eaaasy day. An hour easy run in the morning plus a massage. Tomorrow is a race day combined with some tourism. We shall see when I get a next time to update my blog.
Oletkos nähnyt tätä Hesarin urheilujuttua Etelä-Afrikasta?
Hello Miika,
VastaaPoistaRagnhild and I have arrived safely in Norway. Yesterday evening I did a very easy run, and it felt good despite the long travel. I stoped by Bislett stadium to do some strides and say hello to the people. There were many, many young kids doing some light running and exercise. It's nice to see that high level of activity.
Did you see the news about the snake: http://www.dagbladet.no/sport/2008/01/16/524003.html
Keep up the work in Africa!
Hesarissa (17.1.) taas juttu Etelä-Afrikasta. Nyt Tero Pitkämäestä: