torstai 10. tammikuuta 2008

mwua inaleta baraka -rain brings the blessing

Below this text I posted a long filosifical journey of my thoughts during the past weeks. A lot has happened and a lot will happen.
This morning it was raining surprise surprise like it had been doing the last days. Saturday should be nice again though. Still we went to a track workout in the morning to Belfast, not all the way to North Ireland but some 30km from Dullstroom where I am staying. The session to be done was 4¤3k with 3.30 pace. Doesn´t sound too tough but even with that pace it was quite tough. Lungs had to work harder but speed was not too fast. Also the heart rate was about 170 which is close to my anaerobic/treshold whatever its called. So just in right place. I was running with Martin(i), a Swedish/Norwegian guy and it was a good help. He rub 2.21 in Milan a month ago and is aiming below 30 min before he turns 30 of age. So I decided why wont I do the same :) There should be good race in Belgium and we both want to do dub 30min there. Of cource I will beat him but the time is more important than beating a Swedish guy, or is it?
Today the head coach for Finnish distance running arrived to our house with few others. The topic is an African saying and means that once its raining the harvest will grow and people will get to eat. No reason to complain!!!
My journalist brother opened also a blog. He was the on telling me to come here South-Africa after the situation had gone worse.

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